Voctiv Voctiv

Transform missed calls into leads, block spam, and automate appointments 24/7.

Voctiv Key Features:

  • AI-Powered Call Handling: Voctiv utilizes advanced AI algorithms to manage calls, ensuring only important calls get through by blocking 99% of spam calls.
  • Lead Conversion: It impressively converts 86% of target calls into leads, maximizing business opportunities.
  • Time-Saving: Offers a significant reduction in time spent on call management, saving clients over 30 hours every month.
  • 24/7 Availability: The AI assistant takes calls round the clock, scheduling appointments and answering queries even outside business hours.
In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence tools, Voctiv emerges as an innovative AI assistant designed to revolutionize the way businesses handle their incoming calls. By converting a staggering 86% of missed calls into leads, Voctiv offers a seamless solution for capturing and booking lost leads while efficiently keeping spam calls at bay. Trusted by over 30,000 US businesses, from auto services to beauty salons, Voctiv ensures that your business never misses out on potential opportunities again. With the promise of handling calls on autopilot, from call to appointment, Voctiv stands out as a game-changer in customer engagement and lead management.

Voctiv Videos

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