Tumult Tumult

The most advanced platform to deploy differential privacy


#No Code

Tumult Key Features:

  • Robust and Production-Ready: Tumult Analytics is not just advanced; it's built for robust production use, ensuring privacy at scale.
  • Scalable: The platform runs on Spark and can seamlessly handle input tables with billions of rows, making it suitable for large-scale applications.
  • Easy to Use: While powerful, Tumult Analytics provides familiar Python APIs akin to Pandas and PySpark, simplifying the adoption process.
  • Powerful: It supports a wide range of aggregation functions, data transformation operators, and privacy definitions, giving you the flexibility needed to protect sensitive data.
Tumult Analytics stands at the forefront of advanced privacy solutions, offering a powerful and production-ready platform for deploying differential privacy. Crafted by experts in the field, it's the solution trusted by institutions like the U.S. Census Bureau.
Here are some resources to learn more about Tumult:
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