Haptik Haptik

Best Conversational CRM Powered by Generative AI

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#Customer Support

Haptik Key Features:

  • Generative AI-Powered Customer Support: Haptik offers 24/7 support powered by Generative AI. It fetches website information based on customer queries and generates dynamic responses with CRM & Web API integration.
  • AI Sales Assistant: Haptik's AI assistant facilitates seamless product discovery and delivers personalized purchase recommendations, acting as a virtual sales assistant for buyers.
  • Agent Co-pilot: Haptik equips support agents with a contextual inbox, AI chat prompts, pre-loaded customer details, intent detection, and more for efficient and satisfactory query resolution.
  • Intelligent Analytics: It provides complete visibility of bot and agent performance to identify and bridge gaps in support. Metrics such as query completion rate, CSAT score, average query handling time, and more can be tracked.
  • WhatsApp CRM & Campaign Manager: Haptik allows for the creation of attractive campaigns on WhatsApp to engage users and increase conversions. It also offers a deep dive into the KPIs of your WhatsApp campaigns to optimize them for better ROI.
Haptik helps enterprises manage the customer lifecycle with Generative AI-powered Conversational CRM to streamline support, boost marketing & fire up sales
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