Checkget Checkget

Assisted daily task extension.

Checkget Key Features:

  • Quick Access and Time-Saving: Easily accessible from any website with a simple keyboard shortcut.
  • Versatile AI Capabilities: Offers a range of AI-powered features, including summarization, translation, grammar correction, text length adjustment, and tone modification.
  • Dark Mode: Provides a visually comfortable browsing experience with a dark mode option.
  • Privacy and Security: Encrypts all data sent and offers a local mode for direct communication with ChatGPT. Users can set an ApiKey for additional privacy.
  • Browser Compatibility: Available as a browser extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
Checkget is an intelligent browser extension powered by ChatGPT's AI capabilities. It acts as a versatile smart assistant, offering users quick access to various AI-powered features to streamline everyday tasks.
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